The California Dream

Weekly roundup for June 19, 2021

Episode Summary

Weekly roundup for June 19, 2021 As yet another record heatwave sweeps the Southwest, California again suffers the consequences of a federal government unable and unwilling to meet the challenge of climate change. Apparently, creating a moral panic over critical race theory is more important than confronting draught and wildfires. Paul Jay interviews economist Bill Black about the control fraud that led to the 2008 financial crisis and the federal agencies and departments that refused to punish the bankers who committed it. And finally, two California Congressmen vote against the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act. NOTES: 1. "‘Potentially the worst drought in 1,200 years’: scientists on the scorching US heatwave", The Guardian, June 18, 2021; 2. "Republicans in Congress are out of step with the American public on climate", Brookings Institution, May 10, 2021; 3. "This environmentalist is shaping the GOP's climate narrative", E&E News, May 19, 2021; 4. "Republican congressman suggests changing moon's orbit to fight climate change", Guardian News, June 9, 2021; 5. "Guest Blog: Where Does the Bizarre Hysteria About 'Critical Race Theory' Come From? Follow the Money!", by Isaac Kamola, Inside Higher Ed, June 3, 2021; 6. "BILL BLACK Pt 1/9 - The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One",, May 10, 2021; 7. "14 House Republicans Voted Against Making Juneteenth A Federal Holiday", NPR, June 17, 2021; MUSIC CREDIT: "Angry Bass Line", by Adigold; IMAGE CREDIT: Frank Schulenburg, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license (;