The California Dream

Weekly roundup for July 31, 2021

Episode Summary

Weekly roundup for July 31, 2021 The United States approaches two consequential deadlines today. What is the deadline for California? How much more dysfunction can we endure before the deadline for our tolerance will expire? NOTES: 1. "Debt Limit", Department of the Treasury, accessed July 31, 2021; 2. "Republicans threaten to hold up debt ceiling days before deadline, raising potential for political showdown", by Tony Romm, Seung Min Kim and Mike DeBonis, Washington Post, July 21, 2021; 3. "Can Democrats raise the debt ceiling alone and avert a market meltdown?", by Chris Matthews, MarketWatch, July 31, 2021; 4. "Progressive Cori Bush says 'some Democrats went on vacation instead' of preventing the eviction moratorium from expiring", Business Insider, July 31, 2021; 5. "House Republicans Block Emergency Legislation by Chairwoman Waters to Extend Federal Eviction Moratorium Due to Republican Objections: Thousands of Families and Children Now at Risk of Eviction", U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, July 30, 2021; MUSIC CREDIT: "Angry Bass Line", by Adigold; IMAGE CREDIT: "Tying one's shoes", by asobuno, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license,;